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Software for Managing your ILPI
Specialized care
in the Elderly Person

WEFORUM (Fórum Econômico Mundial - Banco Mundial)
Startups and Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Development
Startout Brazil (APEX/MDIC/Sebrae)
Best Innovation
Apoio Governamental Governo Britânico e Brasileiro
Software de Gestão Saúde do idoso
For the first time, we have aNational Guide
reference in CARE FOR THE ELDERLY in the country!
Launched on 10-December-19, in Brasília, byCONASS!!!
Programa Sênior Quali
Se você é uma ILPI filantrópica sediada na Grande BH e deseja acessar o Programa Sênior Quali de Avaliação e Recomendações da Qualidade de sua ILPI, clique aqui!
E solicite seu acesso através do e-mail:


"We would like to thank the company AlfaStar, in the person of Dr. Aloysio de Andrade Faria, Dr. Edgar Nunes de Moraes and their team, for the support they have dedicated to Elderly Health in our country. The use of modern information technology concepts in this cause, will provide the means for the evolution of the assistance model in a way that is not restricted to geographic location. The deserved reference is for having been fundamental to this achievement." Daniel Melo - CEO Medlogic
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